Bespoke training for individuals or teams

Live / Online

MS Teams or Zoom, we can teach through your preferred platform


Private Youtube videos so you can learn at your own pace


Find it easier to learn face to face? No problem

Remote presenting, increased competition and a rise of design-led brands like Airbnb, Uber, Spotify and Apple have created an expectation that information should be displayed with clarity and purpose.

The rapport in a room and quality of content can no longer only be relied upon for the success of a presentation and our workshops are aimed at bridging this gap.

For teams or individuals

Workshops can be tailored around a number of goals for a business, or specifically for an individual's needs

As long as you need

We can prioritise goals and increase or decrease training duration based on either cost or time

Workshops and Q&A

Interactive workshops enable us to problem-solve together, and answer any questions as we go

A few of our tailored, most popular workshops:

Slide Design for non-designers

Let's start removing those bullet points.

Learn best-practice design wins for virtual or in-person presentations. Let us help you get the most out of your slides by learning how to display content professionally, clearly and on-brand.

How to: Powerpoint for intermediates

Speed up and advance your Powerpoint efficiency 

Learn everything from getting the most out of Slide Masters to professional animation, the pathfinder tool, selection pane and more.

Presentations for remote working

Virtual presentations can be engaging and hassle-free

The world has changed, and presenting online is very different from inside a room. Learn how to implement zoom backgrounds, MS Teams optimisations, best practice for showing videos without lag and simplifying your slide content for use on home monitors.

We tailor workshops to what will most help you and your business. Please get in touch to discuss processes, bespoke costing, and workshops.